Hrvatski English

EU Projects

Project: Impact of renewable materials in packaging for sustainability – development of renewable fibre and bio-based materials for new packaging applications

Prof. dr. sc. Branka Lozo
Type (Programme): MULTILAT
Project funding: –
Organisation Name: Innventia AB
Organisation adress: –
Organisation country: Sweden
Contact person name: Kennert JOHANSSON
Project status: From: 2010-10-20 To: 2014-12-08 (Execution)

Description:     Paper and board are made from renewable resources and are low carbon footprint materials, therefore giving them an environmental advantage compared to other materials. However, in packaging applications, paper and board are nearly always used in combination with non renewable materials; e.g. barrier materials derived from oil based plastics or aluminium. To give the forest industry a competitive edge this Action will focus on packaging solutions based entirely on renewable resources in order to remove the serious disadvantages associated with future paper and board packaging solutions that continue to rely on non renewable materials. The Action will explore possibilities that the forest itself can offer as a raw material base for different components within a given package, thus exploring the full potential of the fibres. The Action is an opportunity and a strategic objective for the forest sector value chain and will reduce environmental impact thus making it of potentially great importance for contributing to European policy. To fully understand the benefits it is important to assess the solutions from a sustainability point-of-view taking account of the total packaging value chain. That is why the Action also addresses research in e.g. value chain efficiency, end-of-life and supply of raw material.

Project: New graphic applications with chromogenic printing inks

Prof. dr. sc. Branka Lozo
Type (Programme): BILAT
Project funding: – International partner
Organisation Name: Kemijski inštitut
Organisation adress: Hajdrihova 19, 1000 Ljubljana
Organisation country: Slovenija
Contact person name: Doc. dr. sc. Marta Klanjšek Gunde
Project status: From:2010-03-15 To: 2011-12-31 (Execution)

Project: Treatments of Fiber-based Materials for Improved Food Packaging

Prof. dr. sc. Branka Lozo
Type (Programme): BILAT
Project funding: –
Organisation Name: TU Dresden
Organisation adress:
Organisation country: Germany
Contact person name: Prof. Harald Grossmann
Project status: From: 2012-01-02 To: 2013-12-31 (Execution)

Description:  Znanstveni ciljevi projekta se odnose na definiranje postupaka i metoda za kvalitativno poboljšanje prehrambene ambalaže proizvedene od vlaknatih materijala, a u smislu zdravstvene ispravnosti i sigurnosti ambalažiranih prehrambenih namirnica. Ambalažni materijali za prehrambene namirnice moraju ispuniti visoke zahtjeve zdravstvene ispravnosti samih namirnica. Potencijalni kontaminanti iz ambalaže koji predstavljaju opasnost narušavanja zdravlja konzumenata ili koji mogu utjecati na promjenu organoleptičkih svojstva namirnica, ne smiju doći u kontakt s namirnicom niti u nju migrirati. Štetni kontaminanti mogu primjerice migrirati iz tiskarskih boja i lakova koji se tiskaju na površinu prehrambene ambalaže ili se mogu nalaziti u strukturi samog ambalažnog materijala iz prethodnih ciklusa, te u slučaju direktnog ili čak indirektnog kontakta s prehrambenom namirnicom, mogu je kontaminirati.
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner: Planirani zadaci za znanstvenu grupu s GRF su karakterizacija proizvedenih uzoraka, ispitivanje efikasnosti provedenih deinking flotacija, kovencionalnih i modificiranih, te dijagnosticiranje i kvalificiranje ostvarenih poboljšanja. Težište ispitivanja hrvatskih znanstvenika je ispitivanje zdravstvene ispravnosti definirano proizvedenih vlaknatih materijala: određivanje prisutnosti kontaminanata teških metala, pentaklorofeonola, formaldehida, aromatskih amina, diizopropilnaftalena, ftalata i poliklorin bifenila, fluorescentnih bjelila, te provođenje mikrobioloških testova za detektiranje antimikrobnih konstituenata. Nanošenje mikrobarijernih slojeva za sprječavanje migracije kontaminanata u prehrambene namirnice će se također dijelom provoditi na GRF. Ispitivanja takvih kompozitnih materijala zahtijevat će dodatno usavršavanje postupaka ispitivanja zdravstvene ispravnosti budući da prema preporučenim kriterijima svi slojevi, tj. svaki pojedinačni sloj kompozitnog ambalažnog materijala mora bit zdravstveno ispravan.  Prilikom posjete njemačkih znanstvenika provodit će se edukacija i posjeta suradničkim institucijama u Hrvatskoj kao i obrada podataka prikladnim metodama.

Project: New possibilities for print media and packaging – combining print with digital

Prof. dr. sc. Branka Lozo
Type (Programme): MULTILAT
Project funding: –
Organisation Name: Anu Seisto
Organisation adress:
Organisation country: Finland
Contact person name:
Project status: From: 2012-01-16 To: 2015-11-30 (Execution)

Description:  The goal of this Action is to promote discussion on the benefits that may be achieved from novel combinations of print and digital. It will also be used to enhance innovations that will make use of the benefits of both print and electronic media as well as innovations where print and electronic media are combined. Several examples exist where successful combinations have been achieved e.g. through the use of image recognition, augmented reality or printed electronics to bring interactivity into fiber based products. To give the forest industry a competitive edge this Action will focus on new innovations by combining knowledge of the end users with most recent technological achievements. New models of ongoing change in social interaction and in the cultural products of paper and electronic media will be elaborated and proposed. The results will promote critical and theoretical discussion on the changing meanings of contemporary media culture. The Action will explore new business opportunities for the fiber based products and the value chains of print media and packaging through novel, innovative uses. It will also serve as a channel for communication between industry and academia, thus contributing to the development of new commercial applications.



Project: Communication and Education / struktura i razvoj novih modela obrazovanja u visokoškolskim ustavima

Project status:     From: 2002-08-22 To: 2007-10-01 (Completed)
Type (Programme):     BILAT
Project funding:     –
International partner
Organisation Name:     Univerza v Mariboru – Institut za nove medije i nove tehnologije za obrazovanje na daljinu (INMITI)
Organisation country:     Slovenia
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Contact person name:     Mario Plenković
Contact person e-mail:
Short description of project:   Projekt je postavljen u cilju uspostave novih Curicculuma za e-learning (obrazovanje na daljinu). U tom smislu istraživači su postavili osnovnu metodologiju za izradu novih obrazovnih curicculuma za obrazovanje na daljinu.


Project:  Characterisation of Paper Surfaces for improved Printing Paper Grades

Project status:     From: 2003-10-01 To: 2007-10-01 (Completed)
Contract number:
Action line:
Type (Programme):     MULTILAT
Instrument:     COST
Project cost:     –
Project funding:     –
Project coordinator
Organisation Name:     NTNU/PFI
Organisation adress:     E. C. Dahls gate 2
Organisation country:     Norway
Contact person name:     Sissel Ravnsborg
Contact person email:     Email
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:     Getaldićeva 2 10000 Zagreb
Contact person name:     Lozo, Branka
Contact person e-mail:
TU Graz  Austria
UCTM     Bulgaria
Faculty of Graphic Arts University of Zagreb     Croatia
KCL     Finland
CTP     France
TU Dresden, PTS     Germany
Budapest Tech     Hungary
SSCCPC     Italy
Veenstra     Netherlands
NTNU/PFI     Norway
TU Lodz     Poland
University of Coimbra     Portugal
TU Iasi     Romania
PPI     Slovenia
Holmen Paper     Spain
STFI     Sweden
Imerys     United Kingdom

Short description of project: The main objective of the action is to develop and improve methods for analysis of printing paper surfaces in order to improve print quality. Further, it is of interest to develop methods that can measure ink distribution on printed surfaces and correlate this to the local topography and chemistry.

Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner: During the Project Plenary Sessions five presentations were given by Croatian participants: Damir Modric in Grenoble: The influence of paper surface structure on optical dot gain; Vesna Dzimbeg Malcic in Brasov: Control of print quality through Yule-Nielsen parameter and optical properties of papers; Branka Lozo in Helsinki: Surface characteristics of handsheets made from digital printed deinked pulp; Branka Lozo in Budapest: SEM Analysis of Ink Jet Prints; Branka Lozo in Grenoble: Spectroscopic and microscopic methods in the analysis of ink jet prints. The Short-Term Scientific Mission was granted to Branka Lozo in August/September 2005 at PFI Norway: Surface and Cross Section SEM Analysis of Ink Jet Prints.


Project: Improvements in the understanding and use of de-inking technology

Project status:     From: 2004-09-01 To: 2008-09-01 (Completed)
Contract number:
Action line:
Type (Programme):     MULTILAT
Instrument:     COST
Project cost:     –
Project funding:     –
Project coordinator
Organisation Name:     CTP
Organisation adress:     Cedex 9 Grenoble
Organisation country:     France
Contact person name:     Gerard Galland
Contact person email:
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:     Getaldićeva 2 10000 Zagreb
Contact person name:     Lozo, Branka
Contact person tel:     38512371080
Contact person fax:     38512371077
Contact person e-mail:
Organisation name    Country
Faculty of Graphic Arts University of Zagreb     Croatia
Abo Akademi     Finland
CTP     France
INGEDE     Germany
SSCCP     Italy
KCPK     Netherlands
TU Lodz     Poland
TU Iasi     Romania
PPI     Slovenia
University of Girona     Spain
YKI      Sweden
PIRA     United Kingdom
Short description of project

Description:     The main objective of the Action is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of de-inking technology in line with the introduction and use of new printing methods and vehicles, increased customer expectations and environmental considerations. The expected benefits to the European pulp and paper industry will be improvements in quality and uniformity of de-ink pulp, more efficient and effective de-inking operations improvements in environmental credentials and development of cost effective solutions for difficult to de-ink inks and toners
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner
Project task:     So far the Croatian activities are visible in five presentations given at the Plenary Sessions or Workshops, as well as in two Short-Term Scientific Missions, as follows: Branka Lozo in Grenoble 2005: The incidence of Indigo prints on newspaper deinkability;Zeljka Barbaric Mikocevic in Girona: Increasing the efficiency of chemical deinking flotation of Indigo print; Zeljka Barbaric Mikocevic in Grenoble 2006: The influence of the printing technique (conventional/digital) on the deinking effectiveness; Sonja Jamnicki in Bilbao: Multi-Stage Chemical Flotation of Food Packaging Prints; Branka Lozo in Bilbao:The efforts on the de-inkability of flexo prints. STSMs:  Branka Lozo (Zagreb, Croatia) to CTP (France) : The deinkability of flexo printed papers and digitally printed papers (January 2007) ; Sonja Jamnicki (Zagreb, Croatia) to LEPAMAP (Spain): Food Contact Analysis of Recycled and/or Deinked Pulp (February 2008).


Project: The Limits of Paper Recycling

Project status:     From: 2005-03-01 To: 2009-03-01 (Completed)
Contract number:
Action line:
Type (Programme):     MULTILAT
Instrument:     COST
Project cost:     –
Project funding:     –
Project coordinator
Organisation Name:     KCL
Organisation adress:
Organisation country:     Finland
Contact person name:     Jan-Erik Levlin
Contact person email:
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:     Getaldićeva 2 10000 Zagreb
Contact person name:     Lozo, Branka
Contact person e-mail:
Organisation name    Country
PPI     Bulgaria
Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb     Croatia
TU Brno     Czech Republic
KCL, VTT     Finland
CTP     France
TU Dresden, INGEDE     Germany
Thessaloniki University     Greece
PRI     Hungary
SSCCP     Italy
Latvian Institute of Wood Chemistry     Latvia
KCPK     Netherlands
TU Lodz     Poland
CEPROHART     Romania
University of Ljubljana     Slovenia
University Complutense de Madrid     Spain
STFI     Sweden
FRC     United Kingdom

Short description of project: The main objective of the Action is to develop scenarios describing the future use of recovered paper within the European paper industry in order to provide a better background for focused research activities in the field as well as to facilitate investment decisions or future company strategies concerning raw material markets. The benefits of the action will be a sound base for targeted research, provision of necessary arguments in the discussion with governmental organizations, guidelines for the design of recycle-friendly paper products, guidelines for more effective, tailor-made collection strategies for used paper and a background for investment decisions

Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner: The Project Meeting was organised in Zagreb in October 2006 with the support of Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports for cca 50 participants from 17 countries; Branka Lajic presented The Collection System in Croatia.


Project: Society and Technology-Media and Communication

Project status:     From: 2005-06-15 To: 2008-12-30 (Completed)
Type (Programme):     BILAT
Project funding:     –
International partner
Organisation Name:
Organisation adress:
Organisation country:     Poland
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:
Contact person name:     Plenković Mario
Short description of project


Project: Deinking mechanisam, new formulation of the graphic materials and waste water

Project status:     From: 2007-01-01 To: 2008-12-31 (Completed)
Type (Programme):     BILAT
Project funding:     –
International partner
Organisation Name:
Organisation adress:
Organisation country:     Slovenia
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:
Contact person name:     Bolanča, Zdenka
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner


Project: Interkulturalni aspekti u (incoming) turizmu novih članica EU i njihova implemtacija u obrazovne kurikulume

Project status:     From: 2008-02-01 To: 2010-02-01 (Completed)
Contract number:
Action line:
Type (Programme):     MULTILAT
Project cost:     –
Project funding:     –
Project coordinator
Organisation Name:
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:
Contact person name:     Plenković Mario
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner


Project: Elektrokemijska ispitivanja, i korozijska otpornost aluminija i njegovih oksida i primjena na tiskovnoj formi za plošni tisak

Project status:     From: 2010-03-15 To: 2011-12-31 (Completed)
Type (Programme):     BILAT
Project funding:     –
International partner
Organisation Name:     Laboratorij za Fizikalno kemijo in Kemijsko termodinamiko, Fakulteta za Kemijo in Kemijsko tehnologijo, Maribor
Organisation adress:     Smetanova ulica 17
Organisation country:     Slovenia
Contact person name: Regina Fuchs-Godec, doc
Contact person email:
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:     10000 Zagreb, Getaldićeva 2
Contact person name:     Dr. sc. Miroslav Gojo, red. prof
Contact person e-mail:

Short description of project: Tijekom procesa plošnog tiska, tiskovna forma načinjena od aluminija, nalazi se u stalnom kontaktu s otopinom za vlaženje i bojilom. Nedvojbeno je da se u takvim sustavima stvaraju galvanski članci, budući da su u kontaktu materijali različitog elektrodnog potencijala.Takvi uvjeti procesa tiska mogu uzrokovati koroziona oštećenja same tiskovne forme što u konačnici može uzrokovati smanjenje kakvoće otiska, a time i konačnog produkta. Istraživanja u okviru ovog projekta obuhvatila bi koroziona ispitivanja i utvrđivanje mehanizma korozije i kinetike korozije pri čemu će se koristiti suvremene elektrokemijske metode: ciklička voltametrija, impedancijska spektroskopija. Za snimanje površina koristi će se SEM i EDS metoda, te fraktalna analiza. Za polarizacijska mjerenja koristit će se klasični trielektrodni sustav i Tacusselova polatizacijska ćelija. Za potenciodinamička mjerenja i za mjerenja impedancije koristit će se Solatron 1287 Electrochemical Interface, te 1250 Frequency response analyzer. Obada dobivenih rezultata vršit će se programskom opremom Scribner Associates INC. (CorrWare, CorrView, Z-View i Z-Pot)

Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner: Funkcionalnost tiskovnih formi predstavlja karakteristična površinska struktura materijala na površini tiskovne forme koji se razlikuju po svojim fizikalno-kemijskim svojstvima, a koja su u funkciji formiranja tiskovnih i slobodnih površina. Kako je osnovni materijal aluminij i aluminijev oksid, nužno je poznavati njihovo elektrokemijsko ponašanje, kao i korozionu stabilnost u uvjetima procesa tiska, budući su u stalnom kontaktu s otopinom za vlaženje i bojilom.   Za koroziona ispitivanja, utvrđivanje mehanizma korozije i kinetike koristit će se suvremene elektrokemijske metode: cikličku voltametriju, impedancijsku spektroskopiju. Za snimanje površina koristi će se SEM i EDS metoda, i fraktalna analiza. Za polarizacijska mjerenja izabrat će se klasični trielektrodni sustav i Tacusselovu polatizacijsku ćeliju tipa CEC/TH s termostatnim omotačem. Za potenciodinamička mjerenja i za mjerenja impedancije koristit će se Solatron 1287 Electrochemical Interface, te 1250 Frequency response analyzer.  Za obradu rezultata na raspolaganju je programska oprema Scribner Associates INC. (CorrWare, CorrView, Z-View i Z-Pot).

Project: New graphic applications with chromogenic printing inks

 Project status:     From: 2010-03-15 To: 2011-12-31 (Completed)
Type (Programme):     BILAT
Project funding:     –
International partner
Organisation Name:     Kemijski inštitut
Organisation adress:     Hajdrihova 19, 1000 Ljubljana
Organisation country:     Slovenija
Contact person name:     Doc. dr. sc. Marta Klanjšek Gunde
Contact person email:
Croatian partner
Organisation name:     Grafički fakultet
Organisation address:     Getaldićeva 2, 10000 Zagreb
Contact person name:     Doc. dr. sc. Branka Lozo
Contact person e-mail:
Short description of the task performed by Croatian partner


Design Vladimir Končar - Studio Revolucija
Development Davor Bagarić & Tvrtko Grabarić